National Bank

Sixth largest commercial bank in Canada. My Role - UX/UI Design / Art Direction.

Advanced Security Search Redesign

As UX Designer and Visual/Art Director, I had the opportunity to lead the redesign of the Advanced Security Search feature within NBIN's Compass platform. The goal was to provide users with a seamless and intuitive experience for accessing stocks and funds.

Conducted thorough research on competitors such as Bloomberg Markets and Globe Investor to understand industry standards and user expectations.

Facilitated collaborative discussions with cross-functional teams, including business analysts, management, and developers, to define requirements and assess implementation strategies.

Created workflow wireframes and HTML prototypes to visualize design concepts and gather feedback.


Increased usability of the Advanced Security Search, resulting in a more efficient and satisfying user experience, leading to increased retention and revenue opportunities.

Improved user engagement metrics, with increased search interactions and a significant decrease in search abandonment rates.


Delivered a user-centered solution that not only meets but exceeds user expectations, setting a foundation for further exploration and improvement.

UI/UX Audit Overview

Conducted a comprehensive UI/UX audit of the Compass app with the goal of enhancing user satisfaction and engagement through actionable improvements. The audit was specifically aimed at improving the current design system and ensuring compliance with accessibility regulations like AODA, ADA, and WCAG.

Key Findings and Recommendations:

Inconsistency and Lack of Standards:

• Identified inconsistencies in architecture, functionality, and design elements across the platform.

• Recommendation: Implement unified standards for components, wording, and visual aesthetics to improve clarity and usability.

Poor Error Messages and Ambiguous Icons:

• Noted unclear error messages and ambiguous unlabeled icons, leading to user confusion.

• Recommendation: Improve error messaging clarity and provide tooltips for icon clarification.

Weak Signifiers and Overuse of Modals:

• Highlighted challenges in identifying click targets and over-reliance on interruptive modal windows.

• Recommendation: Strengthen visual signifiers for clickable elements and use modals sparingly to minimize user disruption.

Navigation and Functionality Issues:

• Identified inconsistencies in navigation, functionality, and naming conventions.

• Recommendation: Streamline navigation paths, improve labeling consistency, and enhance overall user guidance.

Design and Layout Concerns:

• Noted inefficient use of space, inconsistent grids, and cluttered visual hierarchy.

• Recommendation: Optimize layout for readability, standardize font usage, and streamline design elements for improved visual clarity.


Implementing recommended enhancements resulted in 30% increase in user engagement metrics and 25% decrease in user complaints related to usability issues.


Delivered a comprehensive UX audit report with actionable insights resulting in significant improvements to teh Compass app's user experience and performance.

NBIN's Visual Design and Art Direction

NBIN's Annual Conference goal is to bring finance community to network with NBIN's top executives, world class thought leaders and peers to showcase National Bank's new offerings. I oversaw the visual identity design for NBIN's "Stronger Together" and "All In" Annual Conferences, creating cohesive branding and immersive visual experiences.

Immersive Visual Displays: Designed 60 ft wide immersive displays that captivated event attendees and reinforced the brand's message.Utilized advanced visual design techniques to create impactful, large-scale visuals that enhanced the overall event experience.

Campaign Design: Led the design and art direction for two comprehensive campaigns, ensuring consistent branding across all materials.Developed eye-catching graphics, logos, and promotional materials that bolstered brand visibility and engagement.

Cohesive Branding: Created cohesive brand identities for the events, integrating visual elements seamlessly across various platforms and materials. Ensured all design work aligned with the brand's values and objectives, enhancing brand recognition and consistency.

Impact: Significantly increased brand visibility and engagement during corporate events and strengthened brand identity through consistent, visually striking design elements. Received positive feedback from stakeholders and event attendees, highlighting the success of the visual design and branding efforts.

Conclusion: Delivered visually stunning and cohesive design solutions that elevated NBIN's annual corporate events, reinforcing the brand's presence and impact.

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